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UX/UI & Web Design

Have you ever pulled a door that needed to be pushed instead? Or wandered the store aisles because you did not know where everything was?

It’s a lot like clicking through a website and not being able to find what you are looking for due to poor navigation or a confusing layout. The problem? A lack of user experience understanding and what causes a user to abandon their journey without converting.

Computer with a website on the screen

A Detailed Path to Optimization

Rebellion Group gets into the mindset of your target customer by first understanding the ask and what is expected of the audit, including choosing what to measure and how to measure it; understanding client pain points and desired outcomes; and determining clear KPIs. We then dig into the motivations and habits of the target consumer (competitor analysis, customer and user research, conversion and traffic analysis, and more). Using wireframes and prototypes, qualitative user testing, accessibility evaluation, and a host of other tactics, we test any recommendations we make prior to implementation. Finally, once changes have been implemented, we reflect on the effectiveness of updates using qualitative and quantitative data (performance monitoring, tracking and KPI reviews, usability and bug reviews, etc.)

Laptop open with a website on the screen